2 500 €
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See what the breakdown of your expenses visually represents and discover your monthly savings rate. All you have to do is enter your income and expenses.
2 500 €
Your savings rate is 16.00 % (Possible savings rate: 56.40 %). You have a total income of 2 500 €, expenses of 1 090 € and a monthly investments of 400 €, you still have 1 010 € available.
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Create my accountTo make things easier for you, we've provided examples of income, investments and expenses pre-populated in the form.
However, you are entirely free to customise it by yourself: you can name the fields, order and structure what the output diagram will look like as you wish. With our monthly budget calculator you'll know exactly how much you earn, spend, save and invest each month.
First, enter all your types of income in the form. This could be, for example, your monthly salary, your spouse's salary, but also financial investment income, rental income or income from self-employment. If possible, income should not be higher or lower than expenses/investments, otherwise you're using up your reserves.
Enter your different types of investment in the second part of the form. There are two levels to the investment section. On the first level, we'll generally enter the envelope in which we're investing (e.g. Brokerage Accounts, Margin Accounts, Retirement Accounts, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Options and Futures Accounts, Real Estate Investment Platforms etc…).
Within these envelopes, at the lower level, you can be more specific about the financial instruments (Stocks, ETFs, bonds, cryptos, mutual funds, index funds, high yield savings accounts , etc.).
Your different investments will be added together and will represent the total share of investments in relation to your income.
Monthly expenses are also presented on two levels.
On the first level, for example, you can sort your expenses under the following headings: accommodation, food, travel, outings, leisure, subscriptions, etc.
Below these levels, you can break them down even further with headings such as: rent, utilities, electricity, gas, water for housing-related expenses. Car insurance, public transport passes, car leasing for travel-related expenses. Or VOD and streaming platforms, telephone and Internet for subscription costs.
Your various expenses will be added together to represent your total expenses in relation to your income.
At the bottom left of the chart is a button allowing you to share the chart via a link, which will retain all the budget parameters you've filled in.
You can also output it in image format by pressing the button just to the right (export graph).
You can then share it on our finance forum and compare your expenses with other Finary users. This way, you can get an idea of whether you're spending too much at any one time, or whether you're completely average.
A Sankey diagram is a graphical representation of flows, where the width of the lines corresponds to the quantity of the flow.
In the context of a budget calculator, such a diagram illustrates how money is allocated or spent. The larger the amount allocated to a category, the wider the associated line, allowing you to quickly and clearly visualize where the bulk of the money in the budget goes.
In our case, the left-hand side represents inputs (all your sources of income) and the right-hand side your outputs (investments and expenses).
The savings rate represents the share of income that households devote to savings. It is therefore calculated by dividing the amount saved by households by their gross disposable income, i.e. household income available for consumption, all multiplied by 100.
In our case, we assume that what you already invest is your savings rate.
The "possible savings rate" is the sum of your income - sum of your expenses, divided by the sum of your income. It represents the portion, after all your investments and expenses, that is still possible to invest.
Starting from your monthly budget is an excellent starting point to help you know how much you can still invest and simulate your future wealth.