Your security is our priority

We have put in place rigorous measures to guarantee your security. These measures are constantly being improved to ensure optimum security for our platform and your data.
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A cutting-edge security

Finary doesn't have access to your banking credentials

Your credentials are securely encrypted and managed by our regulated aggregator partners, Plaid (US, Canada & UK), Powens (EU), and Flanks (EU).
Plaid is the world's leading account aggregator. Powens is the leader on the French market and is regulated by the French Central Bank. Flanks is a Barcelona-based company that is regulated by the Bank of Spain.
We have read-only access. Finary can't initiate transactions on your accounts
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Our safety measures

Our platform is deployed in Google Cloud Platform, in European zones, leveraging Google's expertise on hosting and security.
Communications between your client (browser or the mobile application) are encrypted using a recent version of TLS. Same goes for communications inside. Our data-stores and our backups are encrypted at rest using AES-256.
Finary does not have access to your password. We delegate all authentication-related matters to Clerk, whose core business is authentication.
We conduct routine third-party code audits and penetration tests to identify and resolve vulnerabilities in our systems.
We manage a bug-bounty program where security researchers help us surface potential issues all year long.
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Your money is secured

Crypto trading is offered by Finary through its partner Bitstamp, both registered with the AMF as virtual assets service providers, and both located in Europe.
Your crypto is held 1:1 within Bitstamp’s custody solution. Your assets are stored in your name, and not in Finary’s name!
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Can the Finary team access my data?

Our policy on accessing your personal data is very simple: Finary can only access your data with your explicit consent and for debugging purposes. Those actions are logged and audited on our side.

A strict confidentiality clause was signed by the whole team, and any disclosure could lead to legal consequences for the team.

We will never sell your data. Our business model is based on subscriptions, not on exploiting your personal informations.

How does Finary use my data?

Finary only retrieves your data to display and enrich it. Our business model is subscription-based, not based on advertising or the resale of your data. We will never sell your data.

Can Finary execute transactions?

Finary does not store your banking credentials and cannot move your money.

We have read-only access that allows us to display your data in your account. That's it.

Investir en crypto comporte des risques notamment de perte en capital, et de volatilité.
Pour en savoir plus cliquez ici. Les performances passées n’indiquent pas des performances futures.

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