Découvrez le best-seller de Mounir "Investir pour être libre"
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You can use Finary for free, but we offer a subscription for full access. Our business model is very clear: we save you time and money while planning your financial future for only €149.99 per year. You can try Finary Plus for 14 days.
Finary can only access your data with your explicit consent and for debugging purposes.
We store this data in a database that is encrypted and only accessible by the founding team. All actions performed in the database are recorded.
Access to your data is only granted upon your request and with your consent. We do not sell your data and never will.
Finary employees are continuously trained on privacy and cybersecurity issues, regardless of their role. We adhere to a strict confidentiality clause, and no one has more access rights than necessary to perform their daily tasks.
We audit access to our users’ data.
Finary doesn't have access to your banking credentials and can't initiate transactions on your accounts
We have read-only access that allows us to display your data in your account. That's it.