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Visualize your assets with beautiful charts. Choose different visualisations & see your PnL in net value & percentage.
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We don't store your credentials and initiate transactions on your accounts. Our access level is “read-only”.
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Optimize your wealth

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Understand your portfolio allocation
Discover your diversification score and optimize it with actionable insights.
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Identify hidden fees for all your investments
Uncover hidden costs, save the performance of your investments.
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Get weekly updates about your performance
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Manage your cashflow & organize your finances
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Track your dividends
Analyze your projected annual dividend income, view upcoming dividend payments, and track your real dividend history.
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Predict when will be your Financial Freedom
Discover the value of your wealth in 30 years and plan your financial independence.
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Understand your portfolio allocation
Discover your diversification score and optimize it with actionable insights.

Invest with Finary

New generation life insurance

Discover profiled management life insurance with some of the lowest fees on the market*.
Access to BlackRock® iShares Portfolio ETFs, a concentrate of diversification and innovation, exclusive in France.
Special Offer: 0.95% all-inclusive annual fee for all subscriptions up to 01.04.2025**.
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Invest in crypto with Finary

Buy cryptocurrencies effortlessly with our app. Easy to setup, no hidden fees and secured.
Schedule your purchases and smooth your entry prices with the DCA (Dollar-Cost-Average) method to reduce your risk.
Generate passive income by staking or lending your crypto
Invest in crypto

What our users are saying

I used to use an excel file that I had to update left and right, but now I save five hours every month thanks to Finary and its simple, intuitive interface.
Also, the mobile app lets me keep track of everything from anywhere!
Plus plan Finary
Kevin - Finary Plus user
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Get started in 3 simple steps

Create your account
Totally free, it won't take more than three minutes.
Link your accounts
Thanks to our connectors, you can synchronize the accounts of over 20,000 banks and institutions in the blink of an eye.
Make better financial decisions
Get a clear overview of your financial situation, track your investments and optimize them with our insights.
Is Finary Free ?

You can use Finary for free, but we offer a subscription for full access. Our business model is very clear: we save you time and money while planning your financial future for only €149.99 per year. You can try Finary Plus for 14 days.

Is Finary secure ?

We don’t store your banking credentials

Finary does not have access to your credentials, they are stored by leading third-party account aggregators like Powens (Budget Insight) or Plaid. They are all regulated in the EU.

We don't store your credentials and initiate transactions on your accounts. Our access level is “read-only”.

*Investing carries risks, particularly of capital loss and volatility. To find out more, click here. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

**Offer valid for all contracts taken out before 04.01.2025

Risk warnings: Finary Life is an individual life insurance contract, denominated in euros and in units of account and/or in growth commitments giving rise to the constitution of a diversification provision (growth fund), insured by Generali Vie, a company governed by the Insurance Code. Unlike the euro fund, which guarantees capital, investment in unit-linked products carries a risk of capital loss, as their value is subject to fluctuation, upwards or downwards, depending in particular on the performance of the financial markets. The Insurer is committed to the number of units of account and not to their value, which it does not guarantee.
Investing entails a risk of capital loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Find out more about the risks associated with this investment.

Finary SAS is a member of the Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine with a share capital of €1,625,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 892 357 724, having its registered office at 58 rue de Monceau 75380 Paris 8. Finary SAS operates as a Financial Investment Adviser (Conseiller en Investissements Financiers - CIF) and Insurance Broker registered with the Orias under number 21001279, a member of the Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine, an association approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, with the financial guarantees of the Assurances Financiers.

iShares and BlackRock are registered trademarks of BlackRock Finance, Inc. and its subsidiaries (‘BlackRock’) and are used under license. BlackRock makes no representation or warranty regarding the advisability of investing in any product or using any service offered by Finary. BlackRock has no obligation or liability in connection with the operation, marketing, trading or sale of any product or service offered by Finary.

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