Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
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July 2023 Product Update

July was a historic month: we launched our two biggest projects since we Finary was founded. Ready to discover them?

🌟 Meet our new Web Experience

Finary was born on the Web in 2020. Why? My cofounder Julien and I were pure Web products, and our mobile app experience was very limited.

Times have changed: the Finary app has been downloaded over 150,000 times and has become our spearhead. We've put a lot of energy and love into it, and the Web has sometimes taken a back seat. It was time for a change.

Starting from 0 to move forward

To reinvent the Web, we made the technical and product choice of starting from scratch. Costly and risky, it was nonetheless essential: our new Webapp is powerful, modular and easily upgradable. It will enable us to launch new functionalities much more quickly.

As usual, we started from your needs to rethink the experience. The team conducted dozens of user interviews to identify the strengths & areas for improvement of the web experience.

What came out:

  • Quickly see my best investments
  • Display more nice graphs & curves
  • Personalize the experience for each user
  • Simplify navigation by making sub-pages accessible
  • Align the experience between the App and the Web (by adding missing functionalities)

Discover the new web version

🎉 Welcome to your new Finary

Your new Dashboard is a giant step forward. It's all about graphics and performance, with three key elements.

A wealth evolution chart, with a gross, net & financial selector. You can filter endlessly by category to isolate the assets that interest you most. Even better: you can now choose between the evolution of your assets and normalized performance over the same period. This graph differentiates between periods of increases and decreases.

My favorite addition: our new "tree map", an incredible visual representation of your asset allocation. It makes it easy to see the broad strokes of your assets, as well as those of your clients.

Even better, you can export it with a single click to share it with others. Simply activate the "secret mode" to hide the values on the generated image. If you're more of a cheese than a dessert person, the classic camembert is also available.

All your filter choices & are saved for future visits, ensuring a personalized experience. Every Finary user now has their own unique version.

Finally, there's the "My Performance" section, which lists your best (and worst) investments. Filterable at will, this list allows you to easily identify the stars of your assets. Clicking on an asset takes you to its page. Practical.

Notifications, previously highly visible, are now housed in the top right-hand corner of your screen. Alongside them, you have the famous "secret mode" for hiding data, and the ability to toggle between changing balances.

Explore my new dashboard

🧭 Navigate easily & fluidly

The menu has been "translated" from horizontal to vertical. Foldable, it makes it easy to get to the important parts of your Finary. Even better, you can now go directly to your different categories without having to go through your Portfolio.

Your Portfolio has also been given a facelift, with a stacked graph of your gross assets that makes it easy to see the evolution of your categories. What's more, you can now filter categories so that you only see the ones that interest you.

Category detail has also taken a quantum leap: it can now be scrolled to directly view the different accounts or assets housed within it. As with "My Performance", one click will take you directly to the asset page.

Analyze my performance

🔍 Insights at every level

The various categories of your assets also get a facelift, with an enriched display: graph, tree map and pie chart. In addition, you can now explore Insights for each Account you own. Even better, we added new Insights for your Real Estate.

We've also taken advantage of this titanic overhaul to distill a few surprises & new features. A hint: take a look at your loans 👀.

We also revamped the Insights section to match the new look & feel of the web experience. Slicker, faster and easier to navigate! You'll also discover a new Insight, your sector & geographical diversification score. It's another key indicator to make your allocation more robust.

In the coming months, we'll be launching a new version of Insights, as well as other exclusive new features such as the comparison of your performance with a benchmark index (e.g. MSCI World) and the distinction between your contribution & the performance generated by your investments.

A lot of work and passion went into this rewrite, I hope you'll enjoy using it as much as the Finary Team and I did building it.

Do you have any feedback on the new web experience? Visit our

Discover my Insights

📈 Invest in Crypto on Finary

My partner Julien and I dreamed of this: a simple, automated way to invest in a customized crypto basket, on a recurring basis, at low cost, on a regulated platform with the option of withdrawing to wallets. In short, a DCA. Since it didn't exist, we created it.

After 2 years' work and a successful beta, the investment plan is now available to everyone. Simply update your Finary app to start investing.

You can create the investment plan that suits your needs: your imagination is the only limit. We have 14 cryptos available for launch, with more to come. Select the frequency and amount you want, and we'll take care of the rest.

Transparency on fees is very important to me! All beta testers benefit from unbeatable fees of 0.99% - no hidden fees, no mark-up in the price spread!

Ready to invest?

Create my investment plan

Finally, don't forget to unlock the full power of Finary with Finary Plus.

No more time lost every week on spreadsheets. No more complex calculations and headaches to understand the hidden fees behind your investments. Get everything Finary has to offer for a flat fee.

Thanks for reading this newsletter. Follow me on Twitter for exclusive content & a sneak peek of upcoming features.

Edited by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Written by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir is the co-founder and CEO of Finary. He is passionate about personal finances and shares his knowledge every Friday on BFM Business on the show Tout pour Votre Argent as well as twice a week on the Finary YouTube channel.

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