Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
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June 16, 2024

May 2024 Product Update

The Finary team has doubled its efforts to bring you some sunshine at the end of this rainy spring. Let me take you on a tour of the improvements and new features for the month!

📥 Deposit your crypto on Finary

Thousands of you are already investing every month via Invest, our crypto solution*. Adoption continues to grow. Many members wish to centralize all their crypto investments on Finary. Those who already had other cryptos elsewhere were not able to deposit them.

That's a thing of the past: you can deposit your crypto on Finary! 

But now: you can deposit your cryptos on Finary! Depositing the 25 tokens we support is free. Once deposited, you can sell them for euros, other cryptos, or generate passive income through our yield*.

♟️ Small is Beautiful

Just like in April, the team focused on adding highly requested delightful small features and fixing technical issues. Here are my favorite additions:

Benchmark index (Web)

Do you know if your stock-picking strategy is outperforming the MSCI World? Now you can! The addition of a first benchmark in the "Stocks & Funds" section gives you the ability to quickly compare your performance to this major index.

We'll gradually add more benchmarks, extend the feature's coverage to other asset classes and make it available on app.

We'll gradually add more benchmarks, extend the feature's coverage to other asset classes and make it available on app.

Custom sub-categories (App)

The customization of your budget management on Finary has gone one step further. You can now create your own sub-categories.

This allows you to track your budget with a very high level of precision.

This feature is currently only available on the web.

Learn with Finary (App)

Financial education has been my passion for years. The best investment you can make is to educate yourself and learn!

We've made it easier for you by adding a new "Learn" section in the app. Here, you'll find a selection of articles, videos, and top topics from the community. The selection varies depending on where you view it: if you're in the real estate section, the content will focus on that theme. For now, our content is exclusively in french.

Sync status (Web & App)

Being able to connect to over 20,000 institutions worldwide is THE feature that makes Finary so powerful.

To make this sometimes stressful process clearer, we now display the status of your ongoing syncs directly on your home screen.

Reduced commission for Silver members (App & Web)

Silver VIP members now enjoy a new reduced rate of 0.89% (down from 0.99%). Lowering your fees automatically improves your performance.

This new rate is also great news for Finary Plus members: as they already benefited from the 0.99% rate, they wasn’t a real benefit in coming a Silver member. This improved fee adds a great incentive!

Finally, don't forget to unlock the full power of Finary with Finary Plus.

No more time lost every week on spreadsheets. No more complex calculations and headaches to understand the hidden fees behind your investments. Get everything Finary has to offer for a flat fee.

Thanks for reading this newsletter. Follow me on X for exclusive content & a sneak peek of upcoming features.

*Investing in crypto and using yield represents risks, see our Terms of use for more details.

Edited by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Written by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir is the co-founder and CEO of Finary. He is passionate about personal finances and shares his knowledge every Friday on BFM Business on the show Tout pour Votre Argent as well as twice a week on the Finary YouTube channel.

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