Estimate my real estate

Stone is the preferred investment of the French. With Finary, you can now know the value of your assets in real time.
Real estate in the spotlight
Our unique platform allows the addition of all types of real estate, anywhere in the world: Apartment, House, Building and even commercial premises.
Finary makes it possible to indicate all the particularities of the property, with a unique level of detail! Is your kitchen new and upscale? We take this into account in the estimate. Do you have a large terrace? The estimate will be adjusted accordingly.

The more characteristics you specify, the more accurate the estimate Finary provides will be. Better still, if your property evolves as a result of work, you can adjust its characteristics to reflect the changes.
A real estate expert in your pocket
Once the property has been added, we will proceed to estimate its value. To do this, we work with the European leader in the field, Price Hubble. Their technology, which is unique in the world, is based on historical data (such as the notary database and the land register) and machine learning to provide an ever more accurate estimate.
Even better, the estimate evolves with the market! We update it at least once a week, which allows you to have a very precise vision of the value of your real estate assets.
Estimation via PriceHubble is already available in 6 countries including France, Belgium, Austria, Germany and will gradually be extended to many new territories in Europe and elsewhere.
Rental real estate and cash flow
Who says real estate says rental. With nearly 250,000 transactions per year, it is one of the favorite investments of the French. Thanks to Finary, investors can add the characteristics of their rental properties.

Once completed, we calculate the key health indicators for the rental:
- Gross profitability: Gross annual rent divided by the project price
- SORTING: Annualized return on real estate. This key indicator makes it possible to compare real estate to other asset classes.

- Gross monthly cash flow: Monthly cash flow net of charges and loan repayments of the property.
- DSCR: Rate of coverage of the monthly payment of the loan linked to the property by the gross rent.
Real estate and the leverage effect
Borrowing is one of the main advantages of real estate: it allows you to take advantage of the leverage effect in order to get rich. Rental real estate even allows (in some cases) to have the entire cost of the loan financed by the tenant!
You can sync your loans securely on Finary! Once added, we calculate all the data relating to the loan: its total cost, the amount of the various components (capital, interest, insurance). You will never find this information on a schedule: banks are always careful not to indicate the real cost (with insurance) of loans.

By linking one or more loans to a property, you can monitor the progress of the repayment of the property as well as the net worth of the real estate. Finally, we calculate your overall monthly payment as well as other important indicators:
- Borrowing capacity: based on the 35% debt threshold, we calculate the remaining monthly borrowing capacity. This allows you to know if you could borrow more.
- Leverage effect: Relationship between the contribution and the capital borrowed. The higher it is, the richer you get thanks to banks.

- Average length: calculated on all your loans
- Average rate: Average rate found on your loans
With Finary, you will have a synthetic and current vision of your real estate assets! Sign up for free to test our platform.
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