Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
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October 22, 2023

October 2023 Product Update

🌟 Sharing is caring

Sharing is at the heart of the Finary experience. Whether it's through our community, our meetups or our videos, we want to encourage the transmission of knowledge so that everyone can achieve financial freedom.

Sharing now lives directly on Finary: you can share your profile with friends and relatives in total security. Just go to the web version of Finary and click on the "share" icon.

You can then select the profile to share (the family or a specific member). Next, you select the categories you'd like to share via your link. Finally, you can decide to hide the amounts and protect your link with a password.

Once the link has been generated, it will allow your loved ones to consult your assets for inspiration (or not). The link can be revoked at any time from the sharing menu.

Good to know: if you'd like me to analyze your assets on our Youtube channel, simply generate a share link and apply via the following form.

Share my portfolio

💸 Transactions

Streamlining your financial oversight has just become easier. You can now effortlessly track your daily transactions across your portfolio—including supported checking, savings, credit cards, and investment accounts—from a unified dashboard.

You can easily zero in on individual transactions by applying filters for direction, type, amount, and account.

This is available to you on both mobile and web, but that's just the beginning! We're in the lab cooking up even more to come like transaction categorization, cash flow and beyond!

Explore my new Insights

🛫 The Savings Plan has liftoff

A few weeks ago, we announced the launch of our crypto savings plan: a simple way to invest in crypto at low cost. Your response has far exceeded our expectations! For those that missed it, I presented the investment plan here.

On D-Day, I was on the leading French news outlet BFM to present this major breakthrough.

The team continues to roll out new features to make access to crypto even easier. The latest addition is the ability to create multiple investment plans. Thanks to this, you can invest in baskets of cryptos at different frequencies.

For example, you can now invest daily in Bitcoin, weekly in Ethereum and monthly in Solana. And that's not all: we're preparing further surprises for the coming months. Take a look at our roadmap to discover them, and at community to join in the discussion!

‌Finally, don't forget to unlock the full power of Finary with Finary Plus.

No more time lost every week on spreadsheets. No more complex calculations and headaches to understand the hidden fees behind your investments. Get everything Finary has to offer for a flat fee.

‌Thanks for reading this newsletter. Follow me on Twitter for exclusive content & a sneak peek of upcoming features.

Edited by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Written by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir is the co-founder and CEO of Finary. He is passionate about personal finances and shares his knowledge every Friday on BFM Business on the show Tout pour Votre Argent as well as twice a week on the Finary YouTube channel.

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