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Everything you need to know about investing via ETFs | Arnaud Gihan (Head of iShares France)

We had the pleasure of welcoming Arnaud Gihan, Head of iShares France at Blackrock, for a masterclass on ETFs. BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with over $9 trillion under management and its iShares brand is a global leader in ETFs. In this episode, Arnaud explains to us how ETFs work in detail and in particular how BlackRock manages its ETFs. Investing involves the risk of capital loss. This video is made in collaboration with BlackRock and includes commercial communication.


00:00 Introduction

01:12 What is an ETF?

04:04 What BlackRock offers

08:27 Building an ETF

14:31 Physical vs synthetic ETFs

18:59 ETF fees and costs

26:26 Bond ETFs

31:37 Bitcoin ETF

38:54 Sustainable ETF

46:19 Optimize your investment

49:46 Community questions