Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
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What's new in January

Discover the latest Finary news for the month of January: Finary Plus, new filters, improvements on mobile...

💰 Finary Plus gets a makeover

Based on your numerous comments, we redesigned the Finary Plus experience and made the following changes:

  • Some existing functionalities (dividend tracking, sectoral & geographic exposure and Monte Carlo simulation) are now only available to Finary Plus subscribers;
  • As you may already know, The Finary Plus subscription will allow you to invest in Finary very soon;
  • The trial period for Finary Plus may now be started manually whenever you want.

You will find more information in This article.

🔌 Interactive Brokers

You can now connect your account Interactive Brokers in Finary.
This integration will allow you to track all the investments made on this platform in your Finary account.

☕️ New date filters

You can now filter your dashboard over 1 year and also over the current annual period (“Year to date” for the most Anglo-Saxon among you).

🧰 Other notable improvements

  • On the web, find the date your account was synchronized on the asset detail table;

On the mobile application:

  • You can now consult the Details of real estate that you added;
  • You can change your bank connections from the “Synchronized Accounts” page;
  • Allocation charts are now available for real estate investments & investment accounts.

Edited by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Written by
Mounir Laggoune
CEO of Finary
Mounir is the co-founder and CEO of Finary. He is passionate about personal finances and shares his knowledge every Friday on BFM Business on the show Tout pour Votre Argent as well as twice a week on the Finary YouTube channel.

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